Bentley SewerCAD CONNECT Edition Help

Working with Proxies

If you open a Bentley SewerCAD drawing file on an AutoCAD workstation that does not have the Bentley SewerCAD CONNECT application installed, you will get an AutoCAD Proxy Information message box. This is because the executable logic for managing the AutoCAD entities is not available, and the Bentley SewerCAD CONNECT modeling elements are not associated with the Bentley SewerCAD native database

Bentley SewerCAD CONNECT proxy objects can be moved and erased. However, doing so will put the drawing state out of sync with the model database if the drawing is saved with its original name. If this happens, and you later reload the drawing on an AutoCAD station that is running a Bentley SewerCAD application, the application will automatically load and will attempt to reconcile any differences it finds by automatically loading its Database Synchronization routine. (For more information, see the Drawing Synchronization topic).